GRA Opportunity: theory and analysis of polymer properties from experimental rheology

The solids group is seeking to fill a graduate research assistantship (GRA) to start in early 2024. The project involves the theoretical modeling of polymers to devise novel ways of determining fundamental properties (such as molecular weight) using rheological experimental data. The roles of the GRA will include theoretical development, code writing and testing, data analysis, and working with experimentalists – although no experimental work will be conducted as part of this project.

Desired qualifications include: graduate-level knowledge of partial differential equations, optimization theory, calculus of variations, and probability; proficiency with python; basic knowledge of polymer science; status as PhD student or MS student at Iowa State with intent to seek PhD.

Funding is available for one year. Continued support is determined by student performance and funding availability.

Interested students should contact Brandon Runnels directly ( and mention this posting.